360 students take part in St. Anthony's cross country championship
The participants were students in sixth year primary, secondary and baccalaureate from 10 schools in Malaga and Cadiz
The participants were students in sixth year primary, secondary and baccalaureate from 10 schools in Malaga and Cadiz
Los participantes han sido alumnos de sexto de primaria, la ESO y bachillerato de 10 centros educativos de Málaga y Cádiz
This gathering brought together virtually the entire educational community on Saturday 25th around dozens of stalls selling all kinds of items
Los fondos se han conseguido gracias a una fiesta de Halloween que organizaron los alumnos de Bachillerato
Students, families, former alumni and teachers took up the challenge to keep the ball rolling for 24 hours
Alumnos, familias, exalumnos y profesores se volcaron con este reto que consiste en que no pare el balón durante 24 horas
Pupils followed the monarch's funeral and burial live from the school and laid flowers by her portrait
Según el edil de Infraestructuras, José Carlos Martín (Cs), esta actuación ya no precisa de la autorización de la Junta de Andalucía porque la carretera ya es de titularidad municipal
El Ayuntamiento asegura que ha trasladado a la Junta (titular de la carretera) la necesidad de minimizar el ruido de las bandas