The fire in the El Puerto Quarry area has been extinguished
Everything seems to indicate that an engine failure in the shuttle bus was the cause of the flames which, in a few minutes, burnt the vehicle to the ground
Everything seems to indicate that an engine failure in the shuttle bus was the cause of the flames which, in a few minutes, burnt the vehicle to the ground
El núcleo marengo de Mijas se llenó de vecinos y visitantes en una velada que contó con música en vivo, un gran ambiente y la tradicional quema de júas
En la plaza Virgen de la Peña se le dio la bienvenida al verano con la quema de 11 júas y con una velada, en la que participaron numerosos vecinos y visitantes
The flames also affected a vehicle and forced the Mijas Fire Brigade and Infoca to intervene
Las llamas también afectaron a un vehículo y obligó a intervenir a Bomberos Mijas y al Infoca
The campaign will be disseminated through the different media of Mijas Comunicación and through the social media of the Town Hall
The measure will be in force until the 15th of October, period of high risk of forest fires
La medida estará vigente hasta el 15 de octubre, periodo de alto riesgo de incendios forestales
The incident took place on Friday at ten o'clock in the morning and involved the Mijas Fire Brigade, Local Police and Guardia Civil
The large column of black smoke forced some residents to be evacuated; fortunately, there were no injuries, only material damage
The fire damaged area has been declared as Seriously Affected by a Civil Protection Emergency detail
This sign of respect and affection for the families affected took place at noon at the gates of the Town Hall
El fuego se produjo durante la noche del lunes y solo provocó daños materiales
The fire, which did not cause any personal injuries, started at 00:40 hours