José María Ramos officiates his last mass after 40 years in the San Manuel González parish
The parish priest, who is retiring after more than 50 years of priestly life, said that now he will dedicate himself to "trying to be happy every day"
The parish priest, who is retiring after more than 50 years of priestly life, said that now he will dedicate himself to "trying to be happy every day"
The fair proclamation, foam party and a concert to round off the summer
El último sencillo del joven músico mijeño, ‘Me llaman Lastra’, ya se encuentra disponible para su reproducción en las diferentes plataformas digitales
This material represents more than 85% of the waste collected from sea
Este material representa más del 85% de los residuos recolectados en el mar
The Mancomunidad has provided fifteen boats for cleaning the coastline which have been operating since the middle of last month
La Mancomunidad ha dispuesto quince embarcaciones para la limpieza del litoral que operan desde mediados del pasado mes
This is a waterfall that appears in Osunillas on very rare occasions
If the forecasts are met, it will be the longest rainy period of the entire winter
Donations can be made until January 31st
The Agenda includes 25 items
Places for the other two workshops are sold out but there is a waiting list
La organización desvela las fechas de la próxima edición: Cala Mijas volverá los días 29, 30 y 31 de agosto de 2024 y los abonos ya están disponibles
Durante el mes de julio, los barcos de limpieza recogieron en la costa malagueña más de 53 metros cúbicos de basura