The ‘Don't miss out on reading in summer' campaign ends with a big children's party
82 children from the municipality overcame the challenge of reading 12 books during the months of July and August
82 children from the municipality overcame the challenge of reading 12 books during the months of July and August
Brenda Pérez y Enzo Ruefli representan a Mijas en el certamen de belleza provincial y necesitan apoyo en las redes sociales para llegar a la final
La joven representó a la Peña de La Paz, le acompañó como míster Pedro Calle, de la Peña Costa del Sol
The mayoress of Mijas welcomed this young man and wished him luck in the final gala that will be held on the 11th of August in Rincón de la Victoria
La alcaldesa de Mijas ha recibido hoy al joven mijeño para desearle suerte de cara al certamen que se celebrará el 11 de agosto en Rincón de la Victoria
The winners will represent the province in the most important national competitions
Los vencedores representarán a la provincia en los certámenes nacionales más importantes
These young people from Mijas, who need support on Instagram, dream to work in fashion and modeling
Los jóvenes mijeños, que necesitan apoyo en Instagram, sueñan con dedicarse a la moda y a la pasarela
Aunque no se hicieron con la corona vivieron una experiencia única
From 3rd to 14th of July, local children and all those who speak Spanish, between 6 and 14 can pick up the booklets in the libraries and participate
She has appeared on a beach in Benalmádena and has been taken to the Hospital Clínico
The alert was triggered when her 22 year old son, who lives with her, was contacted from her workplace
The families call for more resources and training for law enforcement to deal with these cases