Amimi restaurant fuses Italian and Spanish cuisine in La Cala de Mijas
The recently inaugurated establishment reopens its doors with this new concept, which has been called Itagnolo
The recently inaugurated establishment reopens its doors with this new concept, which has been called Itagnolo
The Town Hall expects to open the facilities once the work has been accepted at the end of February
Mata: "The intention is to put the works out to tender again in order to finish this long-awaited project and put it into operation as soon as possible"
El primer varón fue detenido en Calahonda con 100 gramos de hachís y el segundo en Las Lagunas con 3,5 gramos de heroína
La localidad se viste de gala para ofrecer una amplia variedad de actividades que incluyen jornadas de convivencia, música, teatro, carnavales o flamenco
El Ayuntamiento espera abrir las instalaciones una vez recepcione, a finales de febrero, la obra
La festividad de San Valentín propicia hablar del amor en todas sus vertientes
El Círculo de Empresarios de Mijas organiza este miércoles 19 un evento que reunirá a empresarios y directivos del Málaga CF
El vial permanecerá cerrado hasta el domingo 2 de marzo, reabriendo el lunes 3 en ambos sentidos
Three meetings will be held, one in each centre, on February 25th, 26th and 27th
February 14th is Valentine’s Day and some shops and establishments in the municipality are offering special products and services for this day.
The department has planned informative talks, conferences, charity and Valentine’s Day markets
Tickets are in aid of AVOI and the Cudeca Foundation
Podrán acudir a una merienda en la asociación de vecinos Nueva Laguna o a un almuerzo en El Juncal